KEXIN 5 Pack 8GB Micro SD Card MicroSDHC UHS-I Memory Cards Class 10, C10, U1
Brand: KEXIN
Color: 5 Pack
- If you are seeking storage to hold not too big files or documents, 8G will be a good choice. You can decide 5-25 packs to order based on your needs, putting your important data on different devices also helps lower the risk of losing them.
- We offer 5-25 pack(As your choose) to meet your different needs, you can use these memory cards for your mobile phone, dash cam, surveillance camera and such devices to live an easier and more convenient life. It’s also great for sending small gifts to your business clients and won’t cost a lot.
- Rated class 10, built in high grade chip, with superior quality and long last reliability: shock proof, water proof, temperature proof, X-ray proof and magnetic proof.
- It is powerful in providing storage for mobile phones, tablets, sport cameras, dash cams, surveillance cameras, DSLRs, UAVs, GPS systems and more. Compatible with a SD card adapter(No adapter provided in the KEIXN micro SD card), this micro SD card can be also used as a full sized SD card.
- Our friendly and reliable customer service will respond to you within 24 hours, and every sale comes with a 365-day worry-free guarantee to show how much we value the importance of quality. Please help yourself and purchase with confidence.
Package Dimensions: 7x160x23
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